Imagine a world where everyone lives in harmony. A world where peace would have every one of
every religion and race living side by side holding hands. Everyone is home because there is no
war. There are peace treaties between
all countries. Now think about the world
we live in today. Everyone is fighting. There
are countries at war with other countries.
People are dying, soldiers are far away from home and cities are being destroyed
by guns and bombs. Which would you prefer?!?!?!? Would you join me in the fighting for world
peace? We would go from country to
country making peace treaties for every country, and then everyone that lives
in the country would be safe and happy. If
countries disagree then we will come back and meet with both countries and
persuade them to compromise we will travel the world in search of countries at
war and work out a peaceful to achieve peace if we go one country at a time, eventually
we will achieve world peace and that will be in the future. So I say you should join me in my quest for peace on earth.